Matthew McCorkle

Day 23 - Gobuster - 100 tools in 100 days!

1 . Introduction
2 . My Setup
3 . What is Gobuster?
4 . Why use Gobuster?
5 . How to use Gobuster?
6 . Summary

This post is designed to introduce you to the tool Gobuster.

Disclaimer: Please only use Gobuster for professional and educational reasons. Do not use this tool for nefarious or malicious reasons.

1. Introduction

Welcome to the twenty-third blog post of 100 tools in 100 days.

Find Gobuster here.

2. My Setup

For running the Gobuster tool, I used Kali Linux in a VMware Workstation 16 Player virtualized environment.

For my vulnerable host, I am using the Metasploitable 2 instance running in a VMWare Workstation 16 Player virtualized environment.

3. What is Gobuster?

Gobuster is another enumeration and web scanning tool for finding DNS names, IP addresses, directories, S3 buckets, and more for a given domain, IP address, etc.

I am going to use Gobuster today to find directories on the DVWA of Metasploitable 2 instance.

4. Why use Gobuster?

I like to use GoBuster as a fast alternative to tools like Dirbuster or Dirb.

Gobuster scans take seconds to minutes while Dirbuster often fails or takes so long that I cancel the scan.

Dirb is a great directory enumeration tool that does thorough scans, I talked about Dirb here on day 6!

5. How to use Gobuster?

Step 1:
Gobuster is fairly simple to use. 
To see the help options just type gobuster in your terminal:


To see help on a specific mode type:

gobuster help <mode>
gobuster help dir

Step 2:
I am going to scan the web server on Metasploitable 2.
The command for Gobuster is fairly simple despite its length. 
Use the following command:

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -o gobuster/initial -e

dir = directory mode
-u = specifying the URL to scan
-w = wordlist to use for scanning
-o = I output the file to a directory named gobuster and named the file initial
-e = show the full URL path of found directories

Anyone familiar with DVWA and Metasploitable 2 knows that there is a page named < IP Address >/DVWA and from our results, we see that Gobuster did not find it, this is because DVWA is not in my wordlist file.

6. Summary

Gobuster is a fast and easy to use tool for scanning websites for directories, DNS, S3 buckets, and other options.

I like to use Gobuster side by side with some of the other directory discovery tools like Dirb or even Dirbuster.

I hope you enjoyed this post and can use Gobuster in your future!

Thanks for reading!

If you have suggestions for what tool to cover next, contact me!